Opening Remarks for the Third Annual ACAMS NY Chapter By ACAMS EVP John Byrne

Good evening and thank you for your support of the AML community and this tremendous chapter. As we approach mid-year of 2017, ACAMS is approaching 50,000 members worldwide and close to 70 chapters. This success is YOUR success as ACAMS is our membership of dedicated professionals who continue to make a difference in the global economy and throughout society.

For all of the many vehicles we are fortunate to have to serve this important community, I would direct you to and for the content, products, interviews, podcasts and discussion forums. Of course, the NY Chapter board members can also answer any questions you may have on how ACAMS on the local and international levels can assist in your careers, challenges or simply new research or white papers that can further enhance your AML knowledge.

Before we continue with tonight’s festivities and hearing from ACAMS Leadership in Government Award winner Juan Zarate, I want to offer a few thoughts on the direction of AML and a call for dialogue and improved communications.

In my view, the three parts of AML are law enforcement, the regulatory community and the private sector. For there to be success in reaching the goals of financial crime prevention and detection, all three elements need to be both practical and honest about their respective roles.

Law enforcement must have access to accurate data and reports but also have an obligation to understand on some level financial products, delivery channels and systems. Overseeing regulations, laws and other compliance obligations demands training, flexibility and noting why we have these plethora of requirements. Therefore, regulators need to recognize their part of the AML three-legged stool and how it falls if there is a lack of objectivity and failure to understand nuance. Finally, the vast private sector of AML must work hard to ensure improved corporate culture, identify the next generation of leaders and offer realistic recommendations on improving the global AML environment.

So as we continue in this rewarding profession, keep in mind that words matter, all partners share in the mission of improving society and only open and active dialogue can ensure success.

Thank You for all you do.

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