It has been a busy spring for Carolinas ACAMS chapter members, and the executive board was no exception. In March the board welcomed its newest member—Delbert "Del" Richburg. Del is the assistant special agent for Homeland Security Investigations (formerly Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Based in Charlotte, Del has worked closely with financial institutions providing valuable training and cooperation with local AML professionals in money laundering and terrorist financing investigations and training. Del will serve as the chapter's communications co-chair. Welcome Del! In addition to adding a new board member, the Carolinas executive board is pleased to announce Rob Goldfinger as our new chapter co-chair. Rob takes the spot vacated by the departure of Jennifer Blake. Jennifer was instrumental in forming the Carolinas Chapter and we wish her well in her new endeavors.
This spring, ACAMS Carolinas' chapter members were on the move. Carolinas chapter members were featured presenters at both the Florida International Bankers Association and MoneyLaundering.com's 16th Annual International Money Laundering Conference held in Hollywood, Florida. Topics ranged from the use of Financial Crimes Intelligence Units to investigation and interdiction of human trafficking. The board is pleased to continue to see strong Carolinas Chapter representation at national conferences in both attendance and presentations.
Understanding the important role the chapter provides in training and networking to all its members here at home, the chapter is finalizing its plans for a Raleigh-based event, to be scheduled in June. Look for further details in your inbox and on the ACAMS website. Finally, planning is well under way for the chapter's September 7th, meeting. This event serves as the unofficial kick-off for the 7th Annual Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering Conference which is scheduled for September 8, 2011 at SAS World Headquarters in Cary, NC. The conference is sponsored by the United States Attorney's Office, Bank of America, RBC Bank, SAS and Ally Financial. This pre-conference event is free to all current chapter members.
For more information on the ACAMS Carolinas Chapter please contact Rob Goldfinger at RGoldfinger@sightspan.com. Or, to find out how to get involved with this or any other chapter please contact Kata Martinez, ACAMS' chapter development manager, at cmartinez@acams.org
Visit the Carolina Chapter's web page at http://www.acams.org/carolinas-chapter/.