April’s ACAMS AML Professional of the Month was awarded to Bill Cloninger. Cloninger was recognized by his peers for his drive and passion in the anti-money laundering (AML) field. Cloninger is the chairman of the ACAMS Northern Ohio Chapter and was one of the founding board members. He has over 20 years of experience in banking and is currently a senior investigator for KeyBank’s AML Investigations Unit. Cloninger’s professional banking career began in California in the mid-1970s at Western States Bankcard Association, the founder of Master Card. Cloninger received his Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) certification in 2006.
Congratulations from a fellow Ohioan and member of Northern Ohio Chapter!
Congratulations are in order!
Gregory Kapsowe, CPA(K), CFE, CAMS, CISA