Happy Birthday ACAMS Today!

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I can’t believe ACAMS Today and I share a birthday month. ACAMS Today was born 10 years ago in March of 2002. As I pulled out the old issues of ACAMS Today  from storage and flipped through the many editions, I noticed that from the very beginning ACAMS Today’s mission has always been to provide a forum for joint sharing of essential knowledge and skills required to not only survive as a compliance professional, but to thrive.

ACAMS Today has grown much over its lifetime. New developments have brought new changes, growing from a small newsletter style publication to a full magazine. Progress continues and now we are pleased to offer additional online content on ACAMSToday.org.

You, the reader and contributor are the reason ACAMS Today has been so successful. We encourage you to continue your hard work and to utilize ACAMSToday.org. Your contributions will help make this resource a robust and important one.

ACAMS Today by the Numbers

As I perused through past issues I compiled some interesting statistics that highlight our 10 years of ACAMS Today history:

  • 61 Issues published.
  • 2,004 Pages.
  • 8 Special editions.
  • 4 Article of the year award recipients.
  • 15,000 Current distribution.
  • 80 Pages longest issue ever published.
  • 4 Pages shortest issue ever published.

Editorial Task Force

I would like to thank the many contributors that have provided articles to the ACAMS Today  throughout the last 10 years, but I would like to especially thank the ACAMS editorial task force, whose continuous efforts have helped shape the ACAMS Today into a first-class publication. They have truly achieved and fulfilled the editorial task force’s mission of providing insightful and timely AML/CTF-related content, awareness of financial crime issues by supplying useful information that has given compliance professionals the tools needed to perform their duties in a resourceful and practical manner.

  • Deborah Hitzeroth, CAMS (chair)
  • Kevin Anderson, CAMS
  • Ed Beemer, CAMS
  • Dilip Chowdhary, CAMS
  • Charles Falciglia, CAMS
  • Aaron Fox
  • Robert Goldfinger, CAMS
  • Jennifer Hanley-Giersch, CAMS
  • Eric Sohn, CAMS
  • Carol Van Cleef, CAMS
  • Amy Wotapka, CAMS

We would like to thank our members for the last 10 years of success and we wish ACAMS Today  and our members many more years of successful collaborations.

Karla Monterrosa-Yancey, CAMS,

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