Jules Verlinden is a compliance officer at the Volksbank, specializing in anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF). He studied financial and business law at the University of Amsterdam and is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist.
Verlinden is the author of the group policy on know your customer, AML and CTF. Next to writing policies, he also excels in other tasks including performing second line monitoring, advising on complex customer due diligence investigations and facilitating the systematic integrity risk analysis. He is an industry expert on AML and CTF legislation and a frequent participant in interbank cooperation.
As a result of his passion and enthusiasm for AML and CTF, he joined the ACAMS Netherlands Chapter board in 2017 as their new secretary.
Last year, Verlinden participated in several initiatives on partnerships between public and private industries to combat financial crime. For example, a project on trade-based money laundering. As a representative of Volksbank, Verlinden took part in several interbank expert groups within the Dutch Banking Association and an AML working group, which resulted in a white paper for the European Banking Authority.