Migdalia Rojas has over 14 years of experience in the anti-financial crime (AFC) industry. She is a Spanish, English and French translator, as well as a lawyer from her homeland Venezuela. In addition, she holds an MBA from the University of Hull in the UK.
Rojas started her career with Skagen Funds, where she worked as a money laundering reporting officer (MLRO). She was responsible for anti-money laundering (AML) training initiatives, periodic reviews of different types of clients, filing suspicious transaction reports (STRs), assessing regulatory compliance across jurisdictions as well as forming a solid internal control and a culture of compliance when establishing offices abroad.
Prior to joining Sbanken ASA in January 2019, Rojas served as a compliance officer and an AML consultant at SpareBank1 SR-Bank. In this role, she created a comprehensive framework for the bank to manage correspondent banking relationships. In addition, she developed a tailored risk assessment for high-risk institutional clients and established AML procedures to manage investment banking clients.
Currently, Rojas works as a compliance officer for the investment firm Sbanken ASA, a Norwegian-based online retail bank where she takes an active role in designing AML risk assessments and developing procedures to handle high-risk clients and prevent the misuse of products and services, among other duties.
Rojas has been a board member of the ACAMS Nordics Chapter since its foundation in 2015. She is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and holds other accredited certifications in the AFC industry.