New York Chapter Third Quarter Update

The Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) New York Chapter’s year continues strong with several educational and exciting events! During the third quarter, approximately 500 anti-money laundering (AML) and financial crime professionals attended three exciting events.

The chapter kicked off July with its Summer Outdoor Networking Event. Sponsored by SSI People, the evening allowed attendees an opportunity to mingle, discuss various hot topics in the world of AML and connect with other members of the anti-financial crime community. The event was hosted by the Center for Professional Accounting Practices at Fordham University and held at the Plaza at Fordham University.

July proved to be a busy month for the chapter, as it also hosted a learning event titled, Keeping Pace with Global Regulatory Change. Speakers from Morgan Stanley, Dixon Hughes Goodman, Mayer Brown, Pegasystems and PayPal shared their various perspectives on how financial institutions can remain in compliance in light of the various challenges posed by the regulatory changes being implemented globally. The discussion primarily focused on the importance of utilizing the right tools to manage regulatory change, with particular emphasis on maintaining the correct technology and a strong audit trail. The event was sponsored by Pegasystems and hosted by the Center for Professional Accounting Practices at Fordham University.

After a small break in August, the chapter picked up in September with Best Practices for Effective Risk
, sponsored by Deloitte. Attended by nearly 200 professionals from the AML and anti-financial crime community, the discussion focused on the importance of risk assessments for overall enterprise risk management. Speakers from Compliance Navigation LLC, Deloitte, Mizuho Americas and State Street Bank noted the importance of adopting broader and more agile risk assessment methodologies across the different financial crime disciplines. Panelists also encouraged the use of advanced technology and analytics to stay ahead of the need for robust and effective risk assessments.

Thus far, in 2019, the New York Chapter hosted 11 events with nearly 2,000 total attendees.

Stay informed on all chapter events by following us on the ACAMS New York Chapter LinkedIn page. In addition, chapter information, board member bios, event summaries and, where applicable, materials for learning events can be found on the chapter website here.

Submitted by: ACAMS New York Chapter,

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