In this segment of AML Now, John J. Byrne, ACAMS executive vice president, sat down with Nicolas Burbidge, senior director of OSFI's AML and Compliance Division, to discuss AML within the Canadian banking structure and his involvement with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
Nicolas Burbidge is the senior director for the anti-money laundering (AML) and compliance division of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), located in Toronto. He joined OSFI in 1999 after a career with Royal Trust (now part of Royal Bank Financial Group), as corporate secretary, director of compliance and other management positions in Toronto and Montreal. Before joining Royal Trust, Burbidge held management positions in Montreal in several major corporations.
Burbidge is a member of the Canadian delegation to FATF and its regional bodies, has acted as a financial assessor in the FATF third round mutual evaluations of Spain and Germany, reviewed numerous other country evaluations and is a lead reviewer for the FATF's Americas Regional Review Group.
Burbidge has made training and other presentations on AML/CFT financial supervision across Canada and internationally for the FATF and its regional groups, the IMF and the World Bank, in the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. In addition, Burbidge is also a regular contributor to the annual International Symposium on Economic Crime held at Cambridge University in England, and the annual Wolfsberg Forum in Switzerland.