Jun ’13 – Aug ’13 Quiz Issue: Vol. 12 No. 3 Table of Contents Please login or join today for member only downloads and resources. Take the Quiz 1. When filling an SAR, you should provide some business context so that law enforcement understands why your suspicious report deviates from the norm.* True False 2. What is a synthetic individual?* A) Someone who impersonates someone else B) A virtual identity that does not exist C) Someone who impersonates a virtual identity 3. What percentage of money services business (MSBs) has record keeping deficiencies?* A) 90 percent B) 76 percent C) 65 percent 4. Which one is not a record keeping deficiency MSBs had?* A) Details of the individuals authorized to transact for the corporation were overly collected B) Staff was unclear as to what the specific record keeping requirements were C) Occupation information was either not obtained or what was documented was unclear 5. If a fraud scheme appears to be a simple case, investigators do not have to prepare a written investigative plan.* True False Δ