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The award-winning Career Guidance column features articles on networking, self-employment, advancement, interviews, resume tips and more.

Our regular contributor is award-winning Sanjeev Menon, managing director at Madison Davis. If you would like to contribute to this column or have any topics you would like to suggest, email

Career Growth: The Importance of Self-training

Training is an often-misunderstood pillar of anti-money laundering (AML) programs. Some practitioners in the AML industry believe the requirement is for the training of all personnel in an organization when the requirement is actually “training for appropriate personnel.” A deeper dive into the regulatory requirement...
Sanjeev Menon

Anti-financial crime (AFC) guru Sanjeev Menon, managing director of Madison Davis’s Legal and Compliance Practice Area, specializes in executive recruitment and provides staffing and workforce solutions to compliance and anti-financial crime (AFC) clients. Menon, who is an ASA Certified Staffing Professional and holds a Society...