Four Questions for ACAMS

Looking to learn more about the anti-financial crime (AFC) industry from thought leaders? ACAMS Today speaks with ACAMS’ own subject-matter experts on various topics including terrorist financing, sanctions, crypto and more!

Sam Cousins

Sam Cousins is a senior associate at ACAMS, where his work includes supporting public-private partnerships and strengthening ACAMS’ thought leadership pillar through the development of content on sanctions and risk, particularly the Sanctions Masterclass program and Global Monthly Update. Cousins’ work also focuses on countering...

The collapses of several crypto-assets businesses this year—FTX’s bankruptcy and ensuing scandal being the most recent—have sent the crypto industry into a tailspin. In this installment of our Four Questions column, Joby Carpenter—ACAMS’ global subject matter expert on crypto-assets and illicit finance—talks to ACAMS Today...