As you peruse and dive into this edition of ACAMS Today (and our online content from acamstoday.org) I want to thank the ACAMS community for giving us the best articles, recommended practices and strategic direction for the global anti-money laundering (AML) community during our 10 year run. Starting with a rather simple newsletter style, ACAMS Today (under the excellent oversight of our editor-in-chief, Karla Monterrosa-Yancey) has grown into THE global source for AML (and related) professionals. Karla and her Editorial Task Force have greatly exceeded any expectations around how to find both topical and valuable articles for both the private and public sectors.
ACAMS Today has stayed ahead of this ever-changing field by including articles on sanctions, asset forfeiture, cybersecurity, Internet gambling, and corruption; and long before anyone else—the many intersections of AML and fraud.
We are also extremely proud of producing the first AML publication dedicated to the heroic men and women in law enforcement—a theme we will continue to develop as well as addressing AML approaches to horrific crimes such as human trafficking.
Your publication also contains articles by representatives of companies, whether consultants, law firms or software organizations. Some publications shy away from those contributors because of fear that the information will seem to be a blatant attempt to simply sell a service or product. We recognize that these authors are also subject-matter experts and have much to offer the AML community, and their professionalism in submitting added value to the readership has not been a surprise.
What can you expect in the next 10 years? First, ACAMS Today will continue to evolve and offer our current readership the resource they need to both understand and work within the global AML landscape. This landscape continues to expand, so the subjects covered will grow, and with our added online capabilities, we will reach out to more leaders in the government and private sector so you can continue to plan your strategies in combating all forms of money laundering and financial crime.
Please continue to send us your ideas, comments and recommendations. ACAMS Today is successful because of your loyalty and participation. Thank you so much and we are looking forward to 10 more years and beyond.