In January 2007, Catherine Cortez Masto began serving her first term as Nevada's Attorney General. In February of 2007 she advocated for the creation of a statewide Methamphetamine Working Group to combat the use and distribution of methamphetamines in Nevada. General Masto fought for a...

ACAMS Today had the opportunity to interview the 11th Annual AML & Financial Crime Conference’s keynote speaker—Richard Weber. Mr. Weber is Chief, IRS Criminal Investigation, and oversees a worldwide staff of over 4,000 employees, including approximately 2,700 special agents who investigate potential criminal violations of...

ACAMS Today had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Christoph Stückelberger, executive director and founder of Foundation in Geneva, Switzerland. Stückelberger is also the professor of Ethics at the University of Basel, Switzerland and has a Ph.D. in theological ethics (peace ethics) and habilitation...